Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Guest Post- Just as Easy

Ralph Marston is a fabulous thinker over at The Daily Motivator. His posts are short, sweet and to the point.  This is one of my favorites.

It is just as easy to focus your thoughts on something positive in your life as it is to focus on something negative. 

It is just as easy to be sincerely thankful for your blessings as it is to be bitter and angry about your problems.

Maintaining a positive outlook on life requires no more effort than it takes to go around with a negative attitude. And that positive approach will bring much more value, meaning and fulfillment to your life.

Staying positively focused requires no special skills or resources or position. All it takes is a choice.

All it takes is the conscious choice to break away from the burdensome habit of negativity. It is a choice you can make right now, and in every moment that follows.

Make that choice, and your limiting fears will be overwhelmed by purposeful determination. Make that choice, and your most difficult challenges will become your greatest opportunities.

Living with a positive focus is just as easy as spending your precious time immersed in negativity. And it's a whole lot more enjoyable, too.

-- Ralph Marston