Friday, July 30, 2010

The Tight-Clenched Fist

“Pressure kills everything it touches.” – John Eldredge


That’s my instinct…Go til I drop. Do it all.

Don’t say “No!”


“I quit!”

or heaven forbid

“I can’t!”

I surrender. Please, help me. These are not part of my standard vocabulary. They should be…but they aren’t.

I guess I thought if my cup running over was a good thing, my plate running over would be even better!

I am doing some of the most rewarding work in my life, but it is also some of the most exhausting. I have had to be super disciplined with my schedule, specifically creating time to write. The problem with that? “Pressure kills everything it touches.”- especially creativity.

I am back to stealing moments of quiet, quick breaths above water before being buried by the next wave. I am drowning in a sea of my own created chaos, trying to impose some sense of order with an iron fist, and I realized that “pressure kills.”

So here I am, Lord, opening the tight-clenched fist. Softening to you, again. Letting go of the control, I surrender, Lord. Guide me with your peace, Lord. Let your words flow through me again…and help me to create the time and space to share them. I invite you into this controlling place of my heart and ask you to heal me here. Show me the why and the how of it. Show me, guide me, help me restore order to our lives. Dear Father,everything I have is yours. I give it all to you.

What about you? What is it that you control with an iron fist? What is God asking you to surrender?


  1. I have been wondering how you were doing! I understand. I cannot believe there was a time when I blogged almost daily! I can't even imagine that now. Now just on Fridays is tough and sometimes it is hard just to recap the week for Coffee Talk. Hoping you can let go and allow God to work in you a little. My husband are praying earnestly about a ministry opportunity that we really want to do...we keep being tempted to "help God along" a little. It is so hard just to let go and allow Him to work! Hope you have a restful weekend!

  2. It was so good to see you again! What a profound entry and what a blessing to me and convicting as well. May the Lord bless you and may you see His will for you clearly. Hugs!

  3. Ladies, thank you so much for your encouragement...It seems (as usual) that what I really needed was to let go and confess that I was trying to control things. God has worked through that and I am writing again....yay!

  4. This post spoke DIRECTLY to me! Oh my...... so many things come to mind. Thank you for this post and I look forward to reading many more! :)

    Have a great weekend!
    ~ ~
