Corporate Speaking

Corporate Keynotes:

 On the Top or in the Undertow -What surfing can teach you about managing your tasks and your life, dude.

We are busy. At work, at home, in life. We are overwhelmed. Three hundred emails to sort through, twenty phone calls to return and more tasks than we could accomplish if we worked 20 hours a day. Most of us would just like the world to slow down for a bit so we could figure out what to do.

Well, while we can't reduce the earth's rate of rotation, the good news is that Cari Kaufman can tell you how to get on top of your tasks and your email. During this informative presentation, you will learn the top tips and tricks for getting a handle on all the stuff that is keeping you up at night.

Based on recent research and Cari's experience coaching busy executives, On the Top or in the Undertow will give you new tools to manage the way we work today. It will get you up on the wave and out of the crashing surf. It may even save you from drowning!

Consilio et Animas - Achieving uncommon success when the chips are down.

Scenario 1: Your numbers are down. Your costs are up. The news is constantly chanting "Recession, recession, recession." Your portfolio isn't worth what it was a year ago and neither is your house. Some days you're not sure what to do. You feel like you have no control.

Scenario 2: You are walking down the city street late one night, minding your own business, when someone jumps out of the darkness and grabs you. He is bigger and stronger than you and no one is there to help. You feel a knife at your throat as he drags you down an alleyway. You're not sure what to do. You feel like you have no control.

We hope neither of these scenarios hold any realism for you. But for many of us, the first one certainly does. Times are tough and it is easy to give in to all the doom and gloom. Your subordinates, your customers and even your family may suffer in the months to come. What can you do besides try and survive?

The second situation above is one that Cari Kaufman found herself in a few years ago. Her assailant had rape and maybe murder on his mind. She might not make it and she knew the incident would impact her friends and family for years to come. What could she do but try and survive?

She could thrive. And she has.

The things that happened that night; her thinking, her actions and the long drama that played out after the attack would teach her the keys to success at work and in life. In turn, she can teach you what must be done to turn your worries about tomorrow into actions steps for today. She will help you learn to approach each day as a victor instead of a victim and how to influence those you work with to do the same. The result is that you and your organization can thrive. Even today. Because Cari will put the keys to success in your hands and your heart. Then all you have to do is open the door, stepping away from circumstances and into possibilities. 

Don't Get Trapped - Seven snares every leader must avoid.

As a leader in your organization, have you been as successful as you want to be? Can you ever be? We have all watched CEO's stumble and fall across America, becoming widely despised because of their large salaries and larger egos. But if people making a zillion dollars a year can't find a way to make it work, what hope do the rest of us have? A lot, if we just know what to look for.

It turns out that there are seven common reasons leaders fail. Seven deadly traps we can get caught up in. The reason they are so lethal is that they are camouflaged. Hidden. Disguised as innocent attitudes and habits, they wait until we least expect it. Then…crash…they slam shut and our world has changed.

But it doesn't have to be that way.

Guarding your path as a manager begins with knowing what to look for. Let Cari Kaufman, a former military officer, teach you how to identify and avoid those traps that have cost so many others their effectiveness, their jobs and even their careers. Things you didn't learn in business school. Remember: forewarned is forearmed.