We were in a hurry. We were late for school. I was rushing and pushing and striving and, well maybe-just a little, yelling. I had woken up as Drill Sergeant Mom and was fully committed to the role at hand.
Xander was making his breakfast toast. Gluten free brown rice bread with soy free, vegan butter spread and Welch’s grape jelly. A big, giant, brand new, did I mention full? glass jar of grape jelly.
“Come on, guys. We are going to be late for school! Let’s move!”
“I’m coming, Mom!” Xander exclaimed as he put the lid back on the jelly and shifted the giant jar to his left hand to open the fridge. I turned to give him the “don’t-sass-me” look, and time froze. In the painfully slow motion instant where you just know what is about to happen and are powerless to stop it I watched the giant, glass jar of jelly teeter in his hand and-
The dull spl-thwack of the jelly glass snapped the space-time continuum back into full speed. I leaped into action as I watched tiny shards of glass spray across the floor- lifting Xander and swinging him out of the blast zone. As I sat him down, I looked into his eyes. Tears were streaming down his face. With huge, remorseful eyes he looked up at me.
“Mama, I am so sorry. I have made such a big mess, and it’s all sticky and it was a brand new jar and now we’re late and it’s all my fault…”
You know what my first reaction to his repentant heart was? Was it, I can’t believe you made such a mess? Or clean this up right now? Or even an exasperated sigh and when will you ever learn?
It was none of those things.
Upon seeing his heartbreak and repentance, I melted. I immediately gathered him in my arms and held him. Loved him. Soothed him.
“Aw, Baby…it’s ok. We’ll clean this up together. Everything will work out just fine. Ok?”
Sniffing back the last of his tears as he started to calm down, “Ok…”
And then, “Mom…I love you.”
“I love you, too, Baby.”
I just want you to hear this one thing-
God loves you like that.
With Mama-soothing-her-broken-hearted-baby-love.
I have lived a good deal of my life with a voice of accusation that I sadly labeled as God. Always believing that He sent his son for US to cover our sins, but, in some way never fully understanding that Christ came FOR ME…FOR MY SINS…and that nothing that I do could ever change the fact that He loves me so much that He would lay down His crown, put on our icky man clothes, walk among us on this fouled planet, innocently die a horrific, tortured criminal’s death bearing up under the weight of all the sin that ever was and will be, conquered the grave and ROSE AGAIN (He’s alive, my friends- isn’t that the most amazing thing?)…HE LOVES ME that much- and HE LOVES YOU that much too.
The moment that jar of jelly hit the ground, and I looked into my son’s eyes and saw his despair at what he done, and I felt the immediate, instinctive reaction to soothe that despair, to forgive that mess he had created, to forget it. In that moment, God changed my entire understanding of grace and forgiveness.
He spoke His word to me, “And now there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus..” Romans 8:1
I knew that God loved me like that- no, beyond that. That as long as I have a truly repentant heart about the mistakes of my life, God is stirred to soothe. To forgive. TO FORGET. It is the promise he makes us. I knew that the accuser of my soul was not my Lord, my Savior, but an enemy. The enemy. There is no condemnation in Christ Jesus. He speaks to us with words of love, and joy and encouragement.
Thank you, Jesus for ransoming my heart on the cross. Thank you, Lord for rescuing my heart with a broken jar of grape jelly! I love how you use the tiniest of moments to teach us truth….Keep teaching, Lord. I am listening.
What small moment has God used to teach you about His love?